The transition is not ABOUT money but goes VIA money
The transition is IN our living togetherness on Earth and our free lifeforce energy
The NEED to live from your Heart Space in the Now in relation to Artificial Intelligence
The Reality of the Now
Direct access to Mother Earth, her resources, and each others talents is robbed from us. The direct access is occupied in money. Access to your basic needs is occupied in money. That's why we all NEED money nowadays (most of us do, some have escaped this prison matrix living off the grid but most still are in NEED of money).
Personal Healing
Personal healing is about the letting go of the matrix in your own indoctrinated psyche. And this is really huge. All aspects in your life are 'infected' due to eons of indoctrination, lies, suppression, power over, etc. The 'letting go' is not a mind trick but a deep understanding and discernment in what is natural / organic and what is not. When you have seen this, lived through this... only then you can 'let go' or rather it will dissolve by itself then without any effort. The effort is in the healing process. This effort you must do yourself. Not necessarily alone, yet self.
Personal healing is about the I. when your psyche is freed from the matrix, you have become a Free Spirit. But still you live in this matrix world. Still you are in NEED of money, since access to food and housing etc is stored in money. Your are transformed, your psyche is transformed... but the world you live in is not yet transformed. What we see nowadays is that humans are escaping from the world because they can not handle the world anymore. Escaping the world will not bring transformation to the world.
Collective Healing
Collective healing is IN the I-in-We. In other words: in our living togetherness on Earth. And is beyond the Personal Healing.
In 2017 staat Ik-in-Wij en Collectieve Healing centraal
Je kunt onder het menu 'Healing2017' kijken als je echt klaar bent met het 'oude', waardoor je voorbij bent aan allerlei verdedigings- en beschermingsmechanismen van de ongeheelde psyche, waarom je de dingen deed zoals je ze deed in je verleden tot nu toe in jouw leven als ouder, leraar, politicus, politieman, soldaat, of jongere, etc.
Ik reik je vanuit nieuw ontsloten gebied handvatten aan hoe je voorbij Persoonlijke Healing en de 'oude' patronen en programma's kunt gaan naar Collectieve Healing.
Wat zou er gebeuren als er GEEN regering zou zijn?
Het boek 'Als de regering ineens oplost', wordt begin 2017 uitgegeven door Uitgever Boekscout. Je kunt het boek dan via de Boekscout webwinkel bestellen.
Vanaf 11 november 2019 is het hardcopy boek als e-boek in pdf-vorm vrijelijk beschikbaar.
Living from the One Heart
Living from the One Heart is living from total body intelligence, total awareness, a total mature 'chakra system' in alignment with Mother Earth and our Creator.
People who live from the heart know the transition is not about the I but about the I-in-We. They understand the transition is IN our living togetherness. And they do not choose to leave people behind, they include all in the transition. This morning someone said to me 'if I was given the option to leave this matrix right now and be totally free... I couldn't... I can't leave knowing this place is still broken': this is an expression of Real Love, the Motherly Love: She will not leave her children behind... none of her children.
The heart of those people is huge and their love is deep: they feel TRUE/REAL pain in seeing other people's life being in suffering. They have a deep understanding that its difficult to transform and heal on a personal level having an empty stomach or being afraid of losing your house or whatever suffering in the personal lives of their fellow man. Their compassion is immense. Those people are not saviors, not at all. They are authentic and true in their heart space and they simply understand natural living on Earth is IN our living togetherness. We are in the 'game' all together and its up to us humans to transit together.
Imagine the whole world as a circle... within this circle another circle is becoming and is growing... but is still WITHIN the corrupted world: there is NO transition IN this group. When we talk about the current financial system LETS is an example of a solution within the 'old', within the current financial system. Also 'free energy devices' are a solution within the 'old' because huge amount of 'old' money flows via funding to a project... but it should flow to peoples Free Existence and FREEDOM from the financial tyranny (humans ARE Free Energy ALREADY: from TRUE FREEDOM 'new' technologies comes into existence: HUMANS FIRST and start with the YOUNGSTERS (14)16-26, not projects!
So only those who have healed themselves on all levels and are living from their heart space will be the embedders for the Next Generations.
The others simply have not this deep profound understanding yet. Their psyche (and ego) is too much occupied with the personal healing still. This is not a judgement, just observation from my awareness.
The need of living from your Heart Space (total body intelligence) in the NOW
'They' knew people would wake up... they knew their puppets would be exposed... 'They' know they will lose in the end, but 'they' will do everything to harvest as many souls as 'they' can. CERN is not the only Artificial Intelligence (AI) weapon. There are several: nano technology in combination with vaccinations and chemtrails for example.
In fact CERN can very easily tie into a huge distraction. CERN is probably still trying to open portals... however, it does keep failing. People will take note of that and become naïve and think everything is all good now: which is all distraction.
GEOspatial intelligence is nano technology up graded in my opinion to a higher from of artificial intelligence take over.
And here comes the essential of living from the Heart Space in: CERN and all kind of nano technologies including 5G can not work, in the meaning of manipulating and scaring you by which you move out of your Heart Space, if you don't match their frequencies. Or rather you DO match their frequencies, because ALL frequencies and vibration... the 'higher' and the 'lower' ones, are unlocked in you. Raising your vibrations is a new age distraction also.
So, unfortunately people who don't live from their heart will fall victim to the distractions. People who live from their Heart Space and are totally awaken won't. So the more people living from their Heart Space and are really awakened the better...
But again: there is a difference in getting aggressive (so called lower emotions) or feeling deep compassion and real anger from your core being because of the shit in the world: those deep feelings do not lower your frequencies, on the contrary. Because there will not be an identification with these emotions... They will not overwhelm you and you still will be grounded.
When you know ThySelf their will be no overwhelming fear in you because you KNOW that your essence never can and will die: what dies is your physical container only.
Its beautiful to assist your fellow man to transition into their hearts / total body intelligence as much as possible. Because only those living from their Heart Space will be the embedders of the Next Generations and co-create these new ways of living together on Earth.
Valuing the physical body and the NEED of money in the reality of the NOW
Your physical container is your temple and provides you the opportunity to be in this life on Earth to regenerate and heal and experience all the earthly possibilities.
I perceive a tendency in devaluing the physical body and a numbness among people who can not handle this shitty world anymore. Those people escape in magical thinking 'all will be well in the end' or 'all is love' or 'Mother will provide me in everything I need' or 'Spirit will provide me in everything I need'.
Basically its true: Earth provides us ALL in everything WE need to be physically alive and abundance IS and does not need to be created... BUT... And this is essential to understand: She is in a robbed state.
Abundance is not the opposite of Scarcity. Its an error to perceive Abundance VERSUS Scarcity, because this dual thinking is not truth.
Abundance IS and she does not need to be created nor attracted to you : she simply IS... look in nature... The apple tree is bearing her fruits in abundance and her seeds are even more abundant .
The truth is that Abundance is in a robbed state and scarcity is caused on purpose. So we need to STOP creating scarcity and poverty and all kind of other shit of course.
So saying 'all will be well in the end' or 'all is love' or 'Mother will provide me in everything I need' or 'Spirit will provide me in everything I need' is simply escaping from the reality of the now and another egoïstic 'The Secret' program.
In the reality of the now access to what we NEED to be physically alive is stored in money. That's why we ALL NEED money (again most of us). You can be aware of capabilities like 'levitation' or 'manifestation of food' or 'free energy devises' but in the here now no human being is able to manifest this (maybe the masters in the Himalaya can?).
There are people out there who have an understanding of these capabilities yes... they have an insightful understanding of the different dimensions, but they can not yet make them applicable in the here now. Mathematicians have an understanding of 4D realities as well. But the truth is that there are no free energy devises on Earth already and this is due to our consciousness and total body intelligence / Heart Space we can not access yet totally.
We ourselves ARE Free Energy. We ALREADY ARE. We ALREADY do (co)create. Be it conscious or unconscious: I hope you ARE ALREADY a conscious (co)creator.
Again: we all need money currently. That system hasn't broke yet. Collectively we are still currently trapped... it hasn't shifted yet into the perception we want it to shift to. I understand that it is hard for people to understand this 'shift we want' when we ourselves are still on the old system. And on this point I can add my awareness to the puzzle because most people need the new experience to comprehend this 'free Existence and unburdening / unburdened living together on Earth' but the new experience is not here yet for them.
Providing people Existence Money (the deepening of a 'basic income') assist people / humanity in shifting because then they can go beyond the survival mode.
Our govts are the puppets of the ones who pull the strings... they still refuse to facilitate us in our living together on Earth. The suppression goes on and on. The 'new' war is not between countries (never was in fact / nothing changed really) but is between the govts and the people.
So getting authentic pissed off (not aggressive) because of the suppression of our living togetherness still going on is perfectly natural. Its unnatural to devalue the physical body and our living togetherness on Earth. Its perfectly natural to feel pissed off because they keep on going to mess with Earth and all life forms.
From a healed psyche you perceive the world from a totally new paradigm. That's why you perceive what is needed to transit collectively.
We 'need' to facilitate the transition ourselves.
As long as people do not feel the heartfelt longing to simply live together on Earth they will not participate in this 'way' until they are shown it can work. That's how the indoctrinated psyche is programmed. The moment you feel this heartfelt longing in yourself you choose to live this 'way'.
The question is: are YOU READY to participate.
Are YOU READY to participate?
- Are you ready to contribute to the Free Existence of your fellow man?
- Are you ready to stop paying taxes and use this money to contribute to the Free Existence of your fellow man directly?
- Are you (mentally) ready to stop using the current banking system? And here I am not saying that you should stop using the current banking system since you have to use your bank to pay bills electronically during the transition phase.
Or is all this healing and letting go to much effort for you? Are you too scared to even look into all this?
Providing people with money... enough what they need...
- will HELP THEM because they are freed from daily struggle to survive... they have the possibility now to live from the heart;
- will NOT HELP at all because they now feel 'all is well'.
And with option 2... when is anything ever enough for people who still don't live from the heart? They may feel like all is well... but their conditioned brain will still want more... yes I know... the conditioned brain has the experience of lack and that was / is fact: abundance was / is robbed on earth... so its logic peoples psyche is occupied with lack and shortage...
Now you know there is another choice you can make. And I am sure there is a certain amount of people who grasps it but are suffering due to lack of money. With those I feel deep deep compassion.
And yes of course there are idiots out there who will never get it: I feel no compassion for them anymore. Especially not with those who are informed over and over again but refuse knowingly.
Our living together on Earth ánd Earth is waiting for those who are READY to assist / embed the transition.
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